[2019秋M3新譜です。 え-31b にて頒布しました。お越しくださった方お買い求めくださった方本当にありがとうございました!]
New Release Album: 2019 Autumn.
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ジョンレノン作曲コンテストで最優秀賞を頂いたLost Cityを含む、2018-2019春までのコンピ参加曲と新規書き下ろし曲を収録しました。
12 compositions from 2018-2019. Includes “Lost City”, which has won John Lennon Songwriting Contest Grand Prize.

I am a type of the person who needs to spend time making a song. Even if I thought it was already completed, not always easily let go of it and the next day I’d think it could be improved in some way…
As such, this album is no exception and took a long long time to put together.
トラックリスト Track List
- Lost City
ひっそりと森の奥に佇む都市が滅亡を遂げたと噂に聞いて久しい。謎めいたその最後に人々は好奇心と不可解な畏れを隠せず、やがて時とともに半ば伝説と化していく。おおっぴらに語られることはついぞなく公式の記録にも残されていないが、だが語り継がれるその末路の裏には切なく実らぬ恋物語があったともいう。今は吟遊詩人の謡う調べにわずかにその跡をとどめるのみ。It’s been long since the rumor that the city has been ruined that had been standing quietly in the depths of a forest. As the city’s mysterious fate, people had closeted curiosity and fathomless awe, and the tale eventually become a legend over time. Not to say anything openly, and it’s not even recorded in the official record, but it’s rumored that behind the city’s tragedy, there was a hidden unforgivable love story that could never be realized and become a distant cause of the city’s fall. By now, we only keep a faint trace in the bard singing.
初出:Creation Histories – 創造歴史コンピ
主催:f-signal様 - うみがめのなぎさ (The Shore of Sea Turtles)
A healing music flowing over the lapping of the waves at the beach.
PlanetNineのJINさん(twitter:@planet9_shop)の素晴らしい作品「海のかけら ペーパーウェイト」にインスパイアされてこんなやさしい音楽をつくることが出来ました。
I was inspired by PlanetNine JIN’s (twitter:@planet9_shop) amazing work “Piece of the Sea Paperweight” and composed this heartfelt music.
主催:EBI ZANMAI様 - Already Missing
Almost completely reworked since the first version.
主催:Sakura Recordz様 - Unmovie
「子供別れ」は、極度に発達したアームドもふもふ(AM)技術が投入され始めた未来の戦場で、己の意思など無関係に戦い続けなければならなかった過酷な運命の「ふもふも小隊」に起こった悲劇を描いた型破りなSF超大作である。原題は「Don’t Fall Apart, Kiddo」。
製作は予算を絶賛超過し困難を極めたが、幾多の悲しい脱落者を出しつつも映画は完成した。タイトルバックにも使われた無駄に壮大なこの曲 Unmovie は、実はその厳しい製作の様子と製作陣の苦悩を描いた、製作陣にささげた鎮魂歌であると後に判明した。おいおい。
主催:青症候群-Blue Syndrome-様 - 子猫の冒険 (An Adventure of a Kitty)
The endearing, rambunctious, but brave adventure of a kitten.
主催:Sakura Recordz様 - Dawn
This song was written in an attempt to express a refreshing morning glow on the piano.
初出:Limit Breaker 会場焼きコンピ(2018春M3)
主催:OX-project様 - A Nomadic Minstrel
The wandering bard Lil Verabottega learns the legend of Inuete and the truth hidden in the coat of arms of Fisot Chroma from a storyteller who carries on the memory of a lost forest city. She decides to spend her life lending a helping hand to the rebirth of the world entrusted to the living human race by an ancient race that was destined for destruction. In her poems, she secretly put Mondred’s magic and traveled around the world to help establish the truth of rebirth. Later, a bard appeared to sing her journey and the story of her unfinished journey became known.
初出:Creation Heros – 創造英雄コンピ
主催:f-signal様 - 水辺の夜 (A Night at the Water’s Edge.)
There was a river near the house I used to live in during my childhood and it used to be a lovely playground. There was a small bridge that was washed away by every typhoon. After a while, the area went through a lot of improvements and became a well maintained water park, but at night, it turns into a quiet place and illuminated by the blue moon, it is both beautiful and terrifying…
初出:Night Tours
主催:EBI ZANMAI様 - 素足の月面散歩 (Naked Moonwalk)
A deep night of quietly confronting my heart. When I looked up at the sky, there was a bright moon.
Oh, the barefooted you who walks lightly with 1/6th of a gravity on a regolith that hasn’t been touched in a billion years.
主催:Ark of Phantasm様 - We’ve come All This Way
I have come a long way before I realized how far I’ve come, but I still have a while to go.
(書き下ろし) - 宙船 Stardust One (Space Ship Stardust One)
ロロとリリ 清水 嶺 画伯
スカラになりたくて故郷の村を飛び出した少年ロロ、放っておけないと嫌々ながら共に旅をする幼馴染のリリ。二人はひょんなことから現人類の手の及ばない虚空の遺跡の船に吸い上げられてしまう。船の中は眠っているかのように孤独で静かだったが、ロロが”Startdust One”と名前をつけた途端に動力が復活しこれまでに訪れた遠い不思議な星々の記憶をロロとリリに見せるのだった。これから先待ち受ける前人未到の航海に胸を躍らせる二人であった
(Song Story)
Rollo, a young boy who runs away from his home village to pursue his dream of becoming a scholar, and Riri, a childhood friend who travels with him reluctantly because she can’t leave him alone. The two are accidentally sucked up into a ship with empty ruins that are beyond the reach of humankind today. The ship is solitary and quiet, as if it were asleep, but as soon as Rollo gives it the name “Startdust One”, its power is revived, revealing to Rollo and Lili its memories of the distant and arcane stars it has visited. They were excited for the unprecedented voyage that awaits them in the days ahead.
主催:俺式ファンタジー様 - An Apprentice and Her Adventure
I wrote the song as I envisioned a spirited wizard apprentice girl going on a brave adventure while making mistakes sometimes, and at the end coming to a deeper understanding of herself and the world.
初出:Onnueho 6th Edition
主催:Symphonic City様